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Church History


The Mount Olive Baptist Church was organized in 1888 by the late Rev. John Grant a bush arbor on the McDade farm.  Rev. Grant the first pastor of the newly organized church and Bro. Mc Dade the head deacon.  During his pasturage the church moved into a house in the 300 block of east Nelson street, from there the church moved to west side of Travis Avenue and Monterey street where Mt. Olive built there first building.  This building was later moved to the east side of Travis and Monterey and a new addition was built.


Ministers that pastured during the next forty years included: Rev. Swain, Rev. Paul McCloud, Rev.McClennon, Rev. J.M. Carter, and Rev. Hill under whose pasturage the church was remodeled.  Rev. Swansy, Rev. Square, Rev. Bradford, Rev. Stringfellow and Rev. John Dodd who built the first church parsonage at 1114 S. Travis Avenue, following were Rev. Ivey, Rev. Hunter and Rev. Throne,


In 1928, the late Rev. W.O. Bell was called as pastor of Mt. Olive.  The church was blessed both spiritually and numerically and in 1940 land was purchased at 401 E. Day St. where open-air meeting was held until our church building was moved and remodeled.  The late Rev. W.S. McNeill served as assistant pastor during this time. Soon we were able to tear down the old building from the ground. We remain grateful to the St. Paul Baptist Church pastor and members who took us into their church at 418 E. Nelson Street and we worshiped together.


Rev. Bell passed away in 1943 and the late Rev. J.T. Fennell who was our assistant pastor at the time became pastor.  Rev. Fennell resigned in 1953 and the late Rev. R. B. Cooper accepted the church.  


In 1959, Rev. Cooper took us home to a new edifice but, shortly afterwards he resigned to accept a church in Newton Kansas.  The same year, Rev. C.H. Davis became our pastor, serving for two years.


In 1961 Rev. R.B. Cooper once more became our pastor, architect and carpenter. Rev. Cooper once again resigned in August of 1977.


On October 16, 1977, Rev R.D. Clayton became our pastor. Rev. Clayton resigned as pastor September 17, 1979 after two years.


On September 22, 1979 feeling we needed a leader Rev. J.E. Kelly Jr. was elected as interim pastor to help carry on God's work. Rev. Kelly was elected by the church as full time pastor December 11, 1979. He took over full time pasturage January 1, 1980. 1981, Rev. Kelly our faithful pastor accomplished the laying of the cornerstone. Rev. Kelly served for three years.


Rev. F. S. Smith Sr. accepted the church on April 1, 1984. Due to his sudden death on June 9, 1984 our pulpit was once more vacant. Feeling once again we needed a leader Rev. W.P. Smith accepted the church on July 20, 1984 and became full time pastor August 12, 1984. The Lord saw fit to call Rev. Smith home on September 21, 1989 our pulpit was once more vacant.


Rev. T. R. McNealy accepted the church November 22, 1989 and became our full time pastor. During the pasturage of Rev. McNealy many improvements were done to the church, carpenter work done by him. Rev. T.R. McNealy pasturage was terminated on November 28, 1993, he moved to other endeavor.


Feeling once again we needed a leader Rev. S. D. Breaux accepted the church on February 8, 1994 and became the full time pastor. Pastor Breaux’s motto was: “It’s Church Time”. During Pastor Breaux’s 17 years, the church grew in all areas, spiritually, financially and numerically.  We will be forever graceful for the spiritual wisdom that Pastor Breaux shared with the church body, truly a man of God led by God.  The Church parsonage at 405 E. Day St. was destroyed by fire on Saturday April 26, 2008 by an unknown person.  Pastor Breaux retired on August 7, 2011, the Lord saw fit to call him home on December 22, 2013.


Feeling once again we needed a spiritual leader Rev. Feddie Orr Sr. was placed in the position of Interim Pastor on September 24, 2011 for a probationary period for six months, the church appointed Rev.Orr to the position of Interim Pastor on April 1, 2012.  We are truly thankful to Rev. Orr for his willingness to step in and lead the church when the church definitely needed a leader.


On December 9, 2012 Rev. Alton E. Blakely accepted the church and was installed on April 12, 2013. Pastor Blakely has brought a focus on Mt. Olive the “Next Generation” putting strong emphasis on the youth of the church and placing young deacons and trustees in prominent positions ensuring the young leaders of today will be strong leaders tomorrow.  On , 2013 after a sever storm the church Sanctuary, two south bathrooms and the south vestibule sustained sever sewer damage due to a sewer backup.  After assessing the damage and attaining estimates for restoration repairs, the church now has to decide which would be the best avenue, to try and restore Mt. Olive or start looking for another building or possible building another church.  Southside Baptist Church has just build a new church in 2010 and their old church building located at 1131 S. Scullin Ave. was for sale.   


Pastor Blakely spoke with Southside Pastor(Bro.) Taylor and informed him of our situation. We will be forever graceful to the Pastor and Southside church congregation for allowing us to use their facility while we were deciding if we should presue purchasing the church. The deacons and trustees sit down with the deacons and trustees of Southside to discuss the asking price of the church.  Although the Church and Gym was packaged togather, an agreement was make that the church could be purchase separately. Informed by Landmark Bank of Denison that we would need a down payment of $70,000 and given two months to get the money together, a huge task concerning the size of our active member congregation.  To God we give the glory.  We thank God for the “Can Do” attitude of all church members knowing the huge task that was ahead and the short among of time to accomplish it. With the help of the Good Lord and generous giving from Pastor and sister Kimberly Blakely, Bro. Leon and Sis Velma Criss, Bro. James and Sis.Theresa Jones, Minster Gary and Sister Moore, Bro. Aaron Peters, Sis. Arleta Criss, Bro. Dennis and Sis. Myrtle Ransom and Sis. Although not a member of Mt. Olive, we are thankful that God placed on her heart to give to help make what seem like only a dream a reality.  The church will be forever grateful to these individuals whom gave above and beyond what was ask of them.  In August 2013 the Old Southside Church located at 1131 S. Scullin Ave. Denison, Texas was purchased.


We believe that the true Church is composed of all persons who are regenerated by the Holy Spirit through saving faith in Jesus Christ; that they are united together in the body of Christ of which He is Lord and Head.


(Acts 2:42, 47; Romans 12:5; Ephesians 1:22-23, 5:23-24)




1131 S. Scullin Ave
Denison, Texas 75020


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